“The more you focus on the value of your product or service, the less important the price becomes.” -Brian Tracy
Selling your product or service is the most important task for your business, it’s how you generate revenue and make a living. But, selling your product can also be one of the most difficult tasks for your business. From approaching potential clients, consumers understanding how your product serves them, to people knowing that your product even exists, there are a multitude of hurdles needed to overcome before you can make a sale.
First things first, let’s go over the basics.
When selling your product or service, you want to be friendly and approachable. Make sure you smile to make that initial connection. A happy client, and a happy business is key to making a professional relationship flourish. Knowing what your product’s purpose is, how it works, and it’s value to the consumer, will be a key to success in growing your business. You should know your product backwards and forwards so when the consumer asks tough questions you’re ready for anything.
But sometimes we all need a little help in growing our businesses. Having some sample products, whether it’s posters, business cards, flyers or brochures and materials to educate your audience on how it works will also help in designing marketing material. Product knowledge is key, the more your sales team know about it, the easier it is to sell that product or service. Before seeking professional services, have a budget laid out, so you know what you can afford. The business you choose to go to for creative services will be able to create an estimate for what they can do for that budget. But no matter your marketing budget, there are tools and services available to you to get the word out to sell your product!
#1 Use Social Media - FREE BABY!
Get creative to get the word out there. Partner with another business and do some cross-promotion. Have clients go on a scavenger hunt to get a free product. Do a Facebook livestream to show your audience how the product works and do a live Q&A to answer customer questions. The possibilities are endless!
#2 Develop or Update Your Brand
Are you spending thousands of dollars on mailers that are getting thrown in the trash because your brand identity looks like junk? Maybe it’s time to refresh. Put yourself in the shoes of a customer and ask if you would take your business seriously.
#3 Invest in Your Marketing Materials
Do you have a strong logo design but your assets don’t make sense together? Invest invest invest! in your branding! Make things as easy as possible for your customers to know who you are and avoid confusion. Update your website, brochures, mailers, business cards, and other marketing materials so when your customer looks at any one of those things, they’ll know who you are. Find a theme and stick to it! Illustration style, colors, fonts, these are all parts of your brand that are identifiers for your customers.
#4 Create Assets That Cover Every Level of Consumer, from Novice to Advanced
What we mean is, if you’re trying to sell a service to someone who doesn’t understand anything you’re saying, you’re not going to have a great time. But! If you’re able to direct them to an explainer video on your website’s home page and in about two minutes they know the ins and outs of your product, they may not have any problems making that purchase. And for the consumers who want to know the nitty gritty, you can offer detailed explanations in your About section. Create different brochures to hand out to different demographics. If you’re at an industry event where people know or work in your service, provide a brochure that makes you look professional and knowledgeable. However, if you’re at a public event getting the word out about your product, you may want to provide information that anyone walking by will understand. Make it as easy as possible for the consumer, they don’t need to do a whole research piece to figure out what the heck your product is.
#5 Invest in Some SWAG
Let people advertise for you. Stickers and decals are a great way to start. And if you’ve got some strong branding, people will be willing to pay, wear, and advertise for you! Think of iconic brands that you’ve bought which have made you... basically be a walking sign.
#6 Create an Event Around Your Product
Product launch? Have a party! With your new dope Swag entice people to come to your store or participate on social media. Just think of the people running in to grab free goodies when you say the first ten people receive a free t-shirt or water bottle. Or if you want to keep things on a lower budget, have them enter a raffle to receive a product or service for free. Time is money!
#7 Advertise
Last but not least, put some money behind your message. Advertising can feel like, and let's be real, can be a big risk, so do some research. What is your demographic and where are they spending time? Advertising may be as simple as putting up posters in a coffee shop or creating a paid ad on Instagram. But if you’re a large business looking at covering a huge demographic you may need to look into tv, internet, or radio advertising. There are a ton of places to spend your money, so make sure to make it count.
For a business to succeed, you get what you put into it. Whether you’re investing your time to promote over social media, or paying a service to create marketing materials, there will be a return of investment if done well. So whether its a new logo design, or a new animated commercial for your business page, we are here to help. Feel free to make an appointment or contact us at westslopecreative.com!